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South African Civil Aviation Authority

The roles and responsibilities of the SACAA revolve around the following six areas of oversight:

  • Aircraft Safety.
  • Aviation Security.
  • Air Safety Infrastructure.
  • Air Safety Operations.
  • Risk and Compliance.
  • Accident and Incident Investigation.
Important CAA Links
International Aviation Authorities

The Fédération Aéronautique Internationale, FAI – The World Air Sports Federation, was founded in 1905. It is a non-governmental and non-profit making international organisation with the basic aim of furthering aeronautical and astronautical activities worldwide, ratifying world and continental records and coordinating the organisation of international competitions.

After a century of steady growth, FAI is now an organisation of more than 100 member countries, forming a strong network linking all those who participate in air sports worldwide.


The SAMAA is affiliated to the Aero Club of South Africa. The AeCSA is the official representative for sport and recreational aviation in South Africa. The Aero Club represents the SAMAA at SASCOC, the South African Sports  confederation and Olympic Committee, for the award of national colours for SAMAA members who participate in international competition.